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Gourd commissions.jpg


I can create one similar to those shown here, no two gourds are ever exactly the same, but we can make it yours.  If you see a texture or image on one gourd and wished I had it with some other texture or image-let me know (or if you have a fabric you want me to match, which has been a request).  I love to do commissions because I can create a piece that is exactly what you want. I will send you a pencil sketch on the gourd and work with you to get it just perfect then send you pictures as I complete it. We decide on a price and size before I start looking for a gourd to meet your vision (I usually give you two or three gourd choices) and then I take half of the price on the approval of the sketch and the remaining payment prior to sending the final gourd. It is a lot of fun! I look forward to hearing from you and will respond with 48 hours. Alternatively, you can call 602-550-9316.