Forgotten Rain
Forgotten Rain LLC is focused on helping all levels of experience related to rainwater catchment and reuse. We provide current innovations and traditional proven information. We have provided links for further investigation as well as white pages for gaining a basic understanding of various elements of water catchment and reuse. We also offer design services if you do not want to attempt some project on your own. If we cannot help you, we will put you in touch with a rainwater harvesting expert closer to your location.
Forgotten Rain: Rediscovering Rainwater Harvesting, Phoenix, AZ
Heather Kinkade-Levario, FASLA, ARCSA AP, Phoenix, AZ
The purpose of this book is to help educate the public on how to do rainwater harvesting, to show the components of a system, and to eliminate the idea that the process is complex. The author has had multiple requests for information, requests for presentations, and requests for providing class materials, which demonstrated a need to get the information into one document and out to the public for education purposes. Several state manuals and international books exist for the subject, but no one book/document is as comprehensive with history, component information, case studies, details, and references.