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Putting Down Roots

Catch-Leaf Blog



Putting Down Roots

Hether Kinkade

Grandmother's quilt

Grandmother's quilt

I finally made the trip to Wyoming and have unboxed most of my belongings. I moved into a much smaller home located at the back of my parents’ property in Cody. Lots of work still needed to complete the structure and to clean up all the construction debris, but summer is a busy season and we will work on one item at a time. I have a view of mountains out my living room window so all is good. My 102 year old grandmother, Martha Kinkade, gave me a homecoming quilt, which has kept me warm on the cool Wyoming nights. Best gift anyone could ask for. 

I plan to start back in on my gourd work this month as l only gave myself the month of July to move and get into a new routine. I had washed and designed several gourds before leaving Phoenix, which will make it easy to get back into working on the gourds. My current routine consists of helping to set up breakfast, cook, and start washing dishes at the K3 Guest Ranch, then back to the office (my living room) to work on ARCSA. Timen, my dog, is having a blast at breakfast. However, he gave us a little scare one day when he fell off the bridge into the stream and it took a little time to find him. He was just sitting next to the stream looking a little lost. He has been running at full speed since he got here, something he ever was able to do in the City. Lucky Dog! 

Step 1: Gather gourds

Step 1: Gather gourds

Step 2: Cleaned gourds

Step 2: Cleaned gourds

Step 3: Design gourds

Step 3: Design gourds

At the K3 Guest Ranch we have served 1,150 breakfasts so far this season and we are still going strong with all the rooms booked every night. It is definitely not a city experience, I have named two groups of wildlife leaders; Ivan the leader of the deer bachelors (four or sometimes five males all with smaller antlers than his, follow him) and Beau the leader of the antelopes (he has anywhere from 20 to 50 females and babies). I say good morning to them almost every day as I drive to the ranch. The buzzards are also back. I found them on the emergency antennas at the fire station warming their wings. 

Beau - King of the Antelope

Beau - King of the Antelope

Ivan the Deer

Ivan the Deer

Buzzards catching the morning sun!

Buzzards catching the morning sun!

I have not really had time to get into the art community yet or contact all my galleries, but hopefully will in August. I did sign up for a painting class with Nancy Dunlop Cawdry in September, I can’t wait for that. The class is part of the Buffalo Bill Rendezvous Royal, an event I hope to enter next year with my gourds. 

My new home

My new home

A Little Work to be done!

A Little Work to be done!